Look for the sign of the Creator.

Picture 1
A sign of The Creator
As you can see a 3 axes with a point and a sphere in the center. These axes divide the space into opposing equal parts. For correct orientation, keep in mind that the scope of looking at you.
The vertical axis divides the intangible space or unmanifested (on your left) and material space or manifest (right).
The intangible space is Creator Spirit, bearing the image of a plan for the realization in the material space.
In the physical space it unfolds and acts conceived plan image – the body.
The horizontal axis separates coarse (below) and fine (above).
The gross area is the body of the Creator, generating gross energy.
In the small space is mind Creator thin generating energy.
A third axis divides the past and the future and means action.
The point in the center represents the Creator, which brings together all the space with. Also point represents a particular or specific embodiment.
Scope refers to the expanded consciousness of the Creator, which is aware of everything as a whole. As it denotes the total sphere containing a great many private embodiments.
In fact, all the components are in one piece and are as it were at one point, that is, each point in space contains all the components.
As you can see on the sign of the Creator, the Creator carries his cross on their way of life marked the time and looks like from the center outwards, and from all sides over.
All spaces have a direct and feedback, as well as are based on linear, rotary and combined movements.
Thus, the sign of the Creator there is a simplified diagram of the plan-the image of the Creator, and is the basis of everything. Badge Creator contains information about the creation and device of all things.
All things created in the image and likeness of the Creator.
Everything that exists is made up of:
1.Duha Creator or plan image, or program development
2.Razuma or mind, or forward and reverse links of the Creator Spirit to the body
3.Tela or substance
As you understand, everything, including the planet, and even human cell is composed of spirit, mind and body, respectively, it has its purpose and created by the Creator’s plan for a specific task-mission.
A sign of the Creator – this is the point, the scope and 3 axes. If you look at the sign of the Creator at other angles, we get different variations of the mark with different values.

Picture 2
A sign of The Creator with habitual and visual coordinate axes.

Picture 3
A sign of The Creator
One of the axes can not be seen, as we look straight at her. Accordingly, it lost its value.

Picture 4
A sign of The Creator
View from a different angle, enhancing the next value.

Picture 5
A sign of The Creator
Here combined with the intersection of the sphere. Positive and negative values into groups.